 Deadline to receive abstracts: Monday November 15, 2021  Acceptance acknowledgement: Monday November 22, 2021  Reception of complete papers: Monday January 10, 2022  Final program: Monday January 24, 2022  Reception of PP presentations: Monday February 7, 2022
Participation fees (mexican pesos) Fees Through After December 15 December 15 Attendees $ 800.00 $ 1000.00 Speakers* b $ 900.00 $ 1100.00 TICCIH b b$ 500.00 b b $ 700.00 and ICOMOS members Estudiantes b $ 400.00 $ 600.00 * With the right to a copy of the Seminar’s Memoirs. In case of collective papers, every author will make the respective payment.  Fees include visits to industrial sites during the seminar, transportation, office supplies, coffee during academic sessions, workshops, social events offered by the Organizing Committee, and attendance certificate.  Payments can be made through bank deposit to: TICCIH México, A.C., Bank: City Banamex, account number 4180904 branch 7010  Through electronic transference to CLABE Interbancaria 002290701041809047 This process is only applicable to Mexican participants and residents in Mexico with a Mexican bank account.  A copy of the registration form will be sent together with bank deposit and PARTICIPANT’S NAME, as well as fiscal information in case a receipt is needed to the following addresses:  Seminar registration will be open after Monday February 21 at the hotel where the event will be held, after 12:00 P.M. (Information about host hotel and other hotels proposed, as well as travel packages, will be sent to you in a second communication), and during the academic sessions. In case an invoice is required, please sent, together with the deposit or transference slip, the corresponding fiscal information; out of time invoices are not issued. seminarioticcihmexico@gmail.com ahmm.amp@gmail.com
Academic Sessions  They will be conducted during 3 days, in morning meetings, face-to-face at the Seminar venue and online with previous registration.  Accepted speakers will have 20 minutes to carry out their presentation. At the end of each block, a timeframe to address questions and answers will be provided. Workshops 1. Industrial heritage cataloguing 2. Techniques to study and intervene industrial sites  Each workshop will last three hours in afternoon sessions. All those interested must enroll ahead of time because the number of participants is limited. Site visit  After the three days of academic sessions, a guided visit to the facilities of Complejo Ferrocarrilero Tres Centurias will be conducted. A video will be available for those attending the event online. Proposed program Download the final program from the following link:
  • Wednesday February 23
     Inauguration  Opening Conference  Academic Sessions Lunch Break  Workshop 1: Industrial heritage cataloguing  Exhibition opening
  • Thursday February 24
     Academic Sessions Lunch Break  Workshop 2: Techniques to study and intervene industrial sites  Presentation of Publications on Industrial Heritage
  • Friday February 25
     Academic Sessions Lunch Break  Academic Sessions  Conclusions  Closing
  • Saturday February 26
     Site Visit
Download the registration form from the following link:
 COPYRIGHT TICCIH MÉXICO www.ticcihmexico.org
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